A Sad Wolf Song.

The crimson red tide -
on a full blood moon night.

crestfallen and bruised.
The wild wolf wailed a sad lullaby.
In retrospective
He lost his only war.

Jananie from Kreamy O’ Cheddar continued this poem beautifully.

He’d lost his only war
Even dreaming of happiness seemed bizarre
For all those he loved seemed to have bid their au revoir
The odious blood-red moon snickered from afar

His lone cacophonous lullaby, doleful wail
Did but little to comfort, his warm fluffy tail
He whimpered in despair, at his future so frail
At his debacle, probably worse than the Grim Reaper would ever assail

Would there ever be a denouement?
Or would his life forever be a patsy of torment?
Would some wee star ever twinkle, manifesting betterment?
Or was this a fall before a rise? A rise that knew only to augment!

And the bare savanna cradled the depressed lone wolf to sleep ….

Do visit her blog here: https://thedustymiller.wordpress.com

© prose & poetry.


  1. So poignant and pithy, Maria! I was tempted to continue. I have reblogged it on my site. Hope you like it. Have a great day! :))
    He’d lost his only war
    Even dreaming of happiness seemed bizarre
    For all those he loved seemed to have bid their au revoir
    The odious blood-red moon snickered from afar
    His lone cacophonous lullaby, doleful wail
    Did but little to comfort, his warm fluffy tail
    He whimpered in despair, at his future so frail
    At his debacle, probably worse than the Grim Reaper would ever assail
    Would there ever be a denouement?
    Or would his life forever be a patsy of torment?
    Would some wee star ever twinkle, manifesting betterment?
    Or was this a fall before a rise? A rise that knew only to augment!
    And the bare savanna cradled the depressed lone wolf to sleep ….

    Liked by 1 person

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